I Corinthians 8:1-13 "Liberty With Responsibility" Introduction -Let's look at some important principles to understand regarding how we use our liberty in Christ. I. The __(Peril)___________ of Knowledge (8:1-3) (Common Misconceptions) 1) That Knowledge __(Alone Builds Up)________________(8:1) 2) That I ___(Have Perfect Knowledge)____________ (8:2) 3) That My Knowledge __(Proves I Know God)________________ (8:3) II. The __(Purpose)_________ of Knowledge (8:4-6) 1) An Idol __(is Nothing)_____________________ (8:4) 2) Many things __(are Treated as gods)_____________ (8:5) 3) There is in Truth, __(but One God)___________________ (8:6) III. The __(Problem)___________ of Knowledge (8:7-13) 1) He States the __(Issue)__________________ (8:7) 2) He States the ___(Truth)_________________ (8:8) 3) He States the __(Warning)________________ (8:9-12) 4) He States the __(Conclusion)_____________ (8:13) Conclusion