Ezra 6:1-12 "The King's Heart..." INTRODUCTION - There are wise rulers and foolish rulers, wise governments and foolish governments, but ultimately God is in control. -Let's look at the two aspects of King Darius' reaction to the news from Trans-Euphrates, that displays this truth. I. The King's ____(Research)_________________________ (6:1-5) 1. __(Finding)______ the Scroll (6:1-2) 2. __(Reading)_________ the Scroll (6:3-5) II. The King's ___(Response)___________________________ (6:6-12) 1. A Policy of ___(Non-intervention)____________(6:6-7) 2. A Policy of __(Strong Support)_______________ (6:8-10) 3. A Policy of ___(Strict Enforcement)__________ (6:11-12) CONCLUSION