Church Government

Jesus Christ is the Head of His Church, and each member of His church has been entrusted with His Spirit, spiritual gifts, and responsibility to help the Church be healthy (1 Cor 12:13, Eph 4:11-16). In light of this, we value a congregational government that meets quarterly to make decisions together.  Each January we elect members from our congregation to serve in various leadership roles.  Here is the list of those who are serving in 2019:
Elders – Gary Wolff, Dennis Jahns, David Howie, Jeff Lindemann
Church Moderator – Mark Finger
Church Secretary – Cindi Umstadt
Church Treasurer – Janel Lopez
Financial Secretary – Mike Kargl
Building and Grounds – Jim Meyer
Missions Committee – Donn Wright
Children’s Ministry – Debbie Peters
Hospitality Team – Colleen Micele (Neighborhood Dinner Night [NDN]), Mark & Molly Finger (Service Preparation), Joy Masters (Kitchen), Beth Zik (Events Coordinator), Dale & Diane Smith (Sunday snacks), Scott Viars (Ushers)
Compassion Team – Edie Roe (Visits), Malene Kargl (Cards), Tanya Pulvermacher (Meals)
Soulfood – Katie Fredenburg
Nursery– Alishia Napier
Assimilation Team– Joy Masters (1st Contact/Welcome), Heidi Viars (2nd Contact)
Decor – Justin Brown and Jarin Wise
Worship Arts – Cindi Umstadt
Tech Team – David Umstadt