Spiritual Milestones

Infants/toddlers: Baby Dedication

We dedicate children to the Lord to recognize that children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3), to bring our children to the Lord for His blessing (Mark 10:14-16), to recognize the sacred charge we have in rearing our children to trust Christ for salvation at an early age (1 Samuel 1:27-28, Luke 2:21-22), and to dedicate ourselves to be faithful in the task of leading our little ones into Christian faith and service. Neither dedication nor baptism is a means of salvation – it is necessary for each individual to come to personal faith in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9).

More than a baby dedication, this is a parent dedication. God wants us parents to follow Jesus with our obedience and church service/group attendance since those are the best gifts we can give our children. For the sake of honesty and transparency before a watching world, we ask that parents have some history of obedience and attendance before expressing this commitment publicly.

2nd Grade Graduates: Bible Ceremony

As children learn to be able to read for themselves, we like to present them with their own Bible and urge them to begin to read it. Since the Bible is one of the most important ways that God has revealed Himself, it is a gold mine — We want to spread the wealth!

Various ages: Baptism

Baptism does not save us, but it is symbolic of the spiritual realities that happen to us when we choose to trust and follow Jesus (especially the washing of forgiveness, the filling of the Holy Spirit, and dying to self and rising with Christ).  Jesus commanded it, and it is also a way to publicly show the world our commitment to trust and follow Jesus.  If you have personally received Jesus as your Lord and Savior and would like to be baptized, please let us know!

Various ages: Communion

Jesus asked his followers to regularly take time to remember his sacrifice on the cross by eating bread and drinking wine “in remembrance” of Him. The broken bread and poured out juice are powerful symbols of his body being broken and his blood being poured out for us. First Corinthians 11 tells us that this “Lord’s Supper” should be done in a reverent and worshipful way, which we usually do together on the first Sunday of every month. We invite all believers from any church background to join us in this special time. Children are also allowed to participate, but we ask that their caregivers help them understand what it means and eat it in a worshipful manner.

Age 14 and up: Membership

Membership is not required to attend or to serve in our church. However, it’s a great way to take ownership of your church (and it is required to be able to vote or serve as a church officer). We ask everyone considering membership to take a “Welcome to the Family class” (offered periodically) to get to know who we are and how we do things. After that, there is an application to fill out and then the elders would love to hear how you came to faith in Christ. The last step is to be voted in at a quarterly congregational meeting.