RS Kids

Little people matter to God and they matter to us too!

Sunday School

Sunday school for Pre-K through 5th grade is offered at River Shores during the 10:30 service each Sunday. It is staffed by screened and trained volunteers, and is a fun time learning more of God’s message to us! Here’s how it works:

1. Please stop by the check-in station for ALL kids (0 – 5th) before dropping off to classrooms. Parents, keep the printed security label!
2. Kindergarten-1st grade will meet together in the glass room. 2nd-3rd grade will meet together in the Multi Purpose Room. 4th-5th grade meet in the classroom off the back wall of the Multipurpose Room. If you have questions please contact Carrie at
3. After service, parents need to bring their security label to pick up all kids.


Nursery is now divided into three parts: Babies and Crawlers, Wobblers and Walkers, and 3-4 year olds. Each room in the kids’ wing is labeled for your convenience.

Vacation Bible School

We have an amazing week of fun learning about God every summer! For more info, head to our VBS page and check out the video below!