Jonathan and Bonnie Moore are serving with SIM in Niamey, Niger. Jonathan serves at SIM’s Niger head office and Bonnie is teaching women in town who have little to no schooling how to read and write in their own language. For current updates on the Moore family, click here. You can reach them at -or-
Mark and Patti Beanand family are serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators. They are translating the scriptures into the Quechua language for speakers in the Andes mountains. Their e-mail address is For current news click here.
Randy and Wanda Potratz are serving as missionaries in the US with SIM. Randy will be working in a wide array of technical services and discipleship roles, and Wanda will be serving missionary families with education programs. Click here to see Randy’s website or you can email them at or
John Mark and Sara Sheppard serve as missionaries in Liberia with SIM. They work among the unreached Manya people group, helping believers grow in their faith through discipleship, leadership training and scripture resource development. Here is a video interview with them. Email them at
Andrew Borkov serves in Makhachkala, in Chechnya Republic west of the Caspian Sea, with help from the Slavic Gospel Association. You can send correspondence to him to the SGA Office (attention Shirley Davis) or email Shirley at
Emma Lurvey serves with His House Christian Fellowship at Ripon College. They utilize personal relationships to help college students trust and follow Christ.
JJ Alderman and his family have been missionaries to Togo (in West Africa) since 2005 with Converge. They have launched 6 churches, started a church camp, founded a Bible institute and recruited a team of 11 new missionaries. In 2023, the Alderman’s moved back to the US due to health concerns in the family and began work with Timothy Initiative. (
Luke & Mikaela Hatfield serve with His House Christian Fellowship at Ripon College. They utilize personal relationships to help college students trust and follow Christ. You can visit the ministry at large at Contact Luke at
Mission Lazarus cultivates dignity and purpose in communities in Honduras and Haiti so individuals can live better lives now and for eternity. Development and discipleship are interdependent elements, where each promote’s the other’s authenticity.
Ellis & Kristen Bosveld EFCA Reachglobal’s Crisis Response | We organize and mobilize believers across the country to serve local churches and homeowners after crisis. Ellis is the son of our own church members Ray and Christine Bosveld. Ellis and Kristen (with their children Adeline and Jacob) are now stationed in Fort Myers, Florida.
Joshua & Megan Smith TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) PO Box 1683 • Carol Stream, IL 60132-1638 Our mission is to partner with the global Church in sending disciples who make disciples and establish missional churches for the glory of God. We subject our lives to the truth and guidance of Scripture and the Holy Spirit, and we rely on God through prayer. The Triune God alone provides what is necessary to carry out global mission, enabling us to speak His words, use His gifts, & reflect His love.
Short-Term Mission Trips
We have also supported people within our congregations who go on short-term mission trips. If you have a trip planned, you can get an application to fill out here.